WEEK 1 - Setting the Stage
On this page, you'll find the goals of the week, as well as a quick glance at each day
In this week, the first two days were used to 'set the stage' and start students thinking about comedy, things they find funny, and introduce them to improv games (which would be used as warm ups and for building background knowledge throughout the project). The remaining days were used to introduce students to storybuilding ideas, particularly character development. Students also built original characters which would be used in the following week to build their collaborative stories.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Introduction (10 mins):
Unit introduction
Introducing the unit
Activity (95 mins):
"What's So Funny?"
Discussing media and
what students find funny
Improv Games
Using drama games as
energizers and for practicing
relevant skills (e.g. character
Conclusion (15 mins):
Reflective Journal
Students wrote a 1-page reflection based on the teacher prompt
Introduction (30 mins):
Improv Games
Monster Tag
One Word Story
Activity (75 mins):
"What's So Funny?"
In groups, students analyze media they find funny for its comedic elements
Conclusion (15 mins):
Group Discussion
Students brainstorm a list of comedic practices and ideas that they find funny as a whole class
Introduction (30 mins):
Movie Analysis
Students view two animated Pixar shorts, looking for plot structure
Activity (75 mins):
Pixar Story Circles
Students reviewed movie plot development and analyzed a popular movie using a story frame
The class collaboratively built a story using the structure, with the teacher facilitating
Students began writing their own stories using the story frame
Conclusion (15 mins):
Group Discussion
Students share their experiences of character building - building an anchor chart of ideas related to character design
Introduction (30 mins):
Improv Games
Character building games
Activity (75 mins):
Character Building
Student choose a character and experiment analysing them with the profile organizer
Students had the option to begin building their own character using the organizer
Conclusion (15 mins):
Reflective Journal
Students reflect on their characters, as well as the challenges and successes of comedic story writing
Introduction (30 mins):
Improv Games
Warm up games
Circular Stories
​Students review a circular story framework
Activity (75 mins):
Pixar Game
In small groups, students play the Pixar Game aloud
Character Profiles
Students create/continue original characters using an organizer
Conclusion (15 mins):
Reflective Journal
Students reflect on their characters, as well as the challenges and successes of comedic story writing